§ 16.08.020. Preliminary consultation— Required information.

Latest version.
  • The following information shall be provided to the planning commission by the subdivider at the time of the preliminary consultation.


    Information including data on existing covenants, land characteristics and available community facilities and utilities, base flood elevation data, and information describing the subdivision proposals such as number of residential lots, typical lot width and depth, business areas, playgrounds, park areas, and other public areas, tree planting, proposed protective covenants and proposed utilities and street improvements.


    A location map showing the relationship of the proposed subdivision to existing community facilities which serve or would be influenced by it.


    A sketch plan showing in simple sketch form the proposed layout of streets, lots and other features in relation to existing conditions. The sketch plan may be a free hand pencil sketch made directly on a print of the topographic survey. The size of the sketch plan map not to exceed eight and one-half inches by eleven (11) inches, or a size that can be easily reproduced with standard office equipment.


    At the time of the preliminary consultation, the planning commission will establish a time at which the planning commission formally review the subdivision proposal.


    Upon determination of the date, time and location of the above referenced planning commission meeting the city shall post notice of the meeting in at least three public places in the community indicating the location and time of the planning commission review. This notification shall be posted at least seven days prior to the planning commission meeting.

(Prior code § 19.01.050)